Advantages of Electronic Paper Display (EPD)
Electronic Paper Display (EPD) is a screen display which uses electronic ink molecules to form images on a plastic panel. Its mechanism is a little bit similar to a printer which gradually sprays ink molecules line by line onto a paper , but a much faster one. It uses electric field to control the position of ink molecules so images can form almost immediately. Therefore, EPD is more like a reusable printed matter rather than a screen display. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is the kind of screen which we encounter every day. It's widely used for television, computer and mobile device displays. It uses light of primary colors to form images and project them directly into our eyes. EPD has several advatanges when compared to LCD: Protecting our vision. There are three reasons why EPD can protect our vision: EPD images are formed by reflected light, not by direct light sources. Human eyes should not recieve light with great intensity. Thus if we stare at the sun or light bulbs for just...