




Type On Either Side

  • Type  **  on either side of your text to bold.
  • Type  *  on either side of your text to italicize.
  • Type  ~  on either side of your text to strikethrough.

Type at The Begining

  • Type  ```  at the begining of your text to create  inline code1 . (That's the symbol to the left of your 1 key.)
  • Type  * ,  - or  +  followed by  space  to create a bulleted list.
  • Type  []  to create a to-do checkbox. (There's no  space  in between.)
  • Type  1. ,  a. , or  i.  followed by  space  to create a numbered list.
  • Type  #  followed by  space  to create an H1 heading.
  • Type  ##  followed by  space  to create an H2 sub-heading.
  • Type  ###  followed by  space  to create an H3 sub-heading.
  • Type  >  followed by  space  to create a toggle list.
  • Type  "  followed by  space  to create a quote block.
  • Type  ---  to create a divider. (Three dashes in a row.)

Available Function Keys

  • Press  tab  to indent and nest content. Whenever you indent, you're nesting that block inside the block above it. If you select the parent, everything nested under it will also be selected.
  • Press  shift  +  tab  to un-nest content.
  • Press  esc  to select the block you're currently in. Or to clear selected blocks.
  • Press  ctrl  +  a  once to select the block your cursor is in.
  • Hold down  shift  +  up/down arrow keys  to expand your selection up or down.
  • Use  shift  +  click  to select another block and all blocks in between.
  • Press  backspace  or  delete  to delete selected blocks.
  • Press  shift + ctrl  +  up/down arrow keys to select to the start/end of the block.

@ Command

  • Mention a person: Type  @  and another workspace member's name to get their attention on something. They'll be notified. Useful in comments and discussions.
  • Mention a page: Type  @  and the name of another page in your workspace to create a link to it inline. If you change the name of the page, this link will automatically change too.
  • Mention a date: Type  @  and a date in any format (or "yesterday," "today" or "tomorrow," or even "next Wednesday"). Helpful for giving yourself due dates.
  • Add a reminder: Type  @remind  followed by a date in any format (including "yesterday," "today," "tomorrow," etc.). You can click on the link that appears to adjust the date and exact time you want to be reminded. You'll receive a notification at that time.
  • Hit  esc  to dismiss the @-command menu if you simply want to type @.

Slash Command

  • type  /   + block type to use that type of block.
  • Type  /turn  at the beginning or end of a block to turn it into a different type of block. You'll see a list of choices pop up.
  • Type  /color  at the beginning or end of any text block to change its color or highlight color. (To remove a color or highlight, just type  /default .) Example:  /blue ,  /blue background
  •  /math  or  /latex  lets you write mathematical equations and symbols using TeX.
  •  /bread  inserts a breadcrumb menu that shows where your current page is in your workspace.
  •  /button  or  /template  gives you a template button that duplicates any combination of blocks you define.
  •  /toc  creates a Table of Contents block.
  •  /moveto  lets you move that block to a different page.
  •  /duplicate  creates an exact copy of the current block.
  •  /comment  lets you create a comment on any block.
  •  /file  lets you upload any file from your computer or create an embed.
  •  /embed  lets you add any one of the 500+ embeds that work with Notion.


  • 想在電子紙上使用Notion「編輯資料」,建議要接藍芽鍵盤,使用者體驗才會好,且大部分功能才能發揮作用。
  • 若不想要記那麼多組快捷鍵,只需要記slash command的第一行規則即可,大部分情況都適用。
  • 要部分編輯文字顏色時,藍芽鍵盤先切換成其他裝置的連結(如Logitech K380  F1  鍵配給電子紙時,先點擊  F2  or  F3  取消配對,待螢幕上出現虛擬鍵盤後,懸浮工具列就會出現,再去反白文字並按工具列的文字顏色按鈕編輯顏色。)待編輯完畢後再點  F3  重新配對。一般建議如要局部更動文字顏色,等筆記完全完成後,再到電腦端編輯會更快。
  • 除了文字顏色外的其他懸浮工具列功能(如粗體、加照片、加超連結、加評論等),都可以在藍芽鍵盤切換到注音輸入法的情況下正常使用。如果發現沒有懸浮工具列出現,可以點擊某一個block後再按  Esc  ,並點任一處取消選取block後,就一定會出現。
  • 使用藍芽滑鼠編輯一般表格,就能夠正常使用插入行、列等表格功能。
  • 要整個搬移區塊,只需要先點選該區塊後,按  Esc  反白選取整個區塊,再用手觸控長按,待該區塊懸浮起來,再拖移到想要的位置。

  • 示範如何搬移區塊



Boox文石閱讀器各大書城App設定懶人包 (適用文石韌體V3.3.0以前的韌體版本)


實測reMarkable Paper Pro:硬體性能篇







Jack Black


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